Thursday, 19 February 2015

Sleep Disorder, Its Effects and Treatment in India

Sleep is the barometer of good health. In most cases, healthy people sleep well, whereas others suffering from sleep disorders might have some kind of health problem. Sleep is quintessential for our wellbeing.

sleep disorder treatment

However, there are people who suffer from sleep disorder, in general, without any underlying medical complication. In this case, lack of sleep, or poor quality sleep, are noticeable symptoms. Some people may have to struggle trying to sleep. Due to lack of proper sleep, they may even feel dizzy and drowsy during the day.

Common Sleep Disorders

There are some common sleep disorders affecting people of all age groups:
Ø  Insomnia, or inability to get the required amount of quality sleep
Ø  Sleep apnoea, or sleep disorder characterised by breathing difficulties during sleep
Ø  Restless Legs Syndrome, a disorder that causes an irresistible urge to shake legs
Ø  Narcolepsy, a disorder involving excessive and uncontrollable sleepiness during the day

Effects of Sleep Disorder
Lack of sleep makes a person irritable and drowsy during the day. It may be difficult to stay awake while reading or studying. Also, people with sleep disorders have concentration problems and emotional limitations. As a result, a person may fail to perform his daily roles properly. Sleep disorder is a chronic problem in itself. However, it is possible to reverse this condition by sleep disorder treatment guidelines.

Treatments Options
Sleep disorder can be treated by medication and behavioural therapy. Prescription medications like Hypnotics are often prescribed by doctors for treating sleeping problems. Behavioural therapies, on the other hand, are helpful in addressing fears or worries that cause these problems.

To get more information visit Cheer Up Services.
Location: Chandigarh, Chandigarh, India


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